Sunday: Celebrated my friendships with Kelli and Kimber by going to PF Changs for lunch and then shopping around in Gateway. my question-- why does the Banana Republic smell so weird there? my theory-- the waterpark right out the door.
this is a bit blurry cause we thought it was probably illegal to take pictures in Forever 21. but i had to have proof that they were trying to sell dresses from my moms youth. honestly, who is going to purchase those?
We also celebrated Mormon Day, as we went to Weber State to watch the fireworks. Some friends, phase ten, cookies, starbursts, everyone in Ogden, a symphony and fireworks makes for a pretty entertaining evening.
the sea of blankets. yes, you can put them out the morning of, and they will not get moved or stolen. its Ogden folks, not LA.
Monday: I worked and scheduled probably four calls incorrectly because i was so excited to go to California. what can i say, i was having trouble focusing...
Tuesday- Sunday: Went on a plane. ate. hung out with friends. ate. went to a really cool park. ate. went to a bachelorette party. ate. went to a shooting range (so fun!). ate. went to a wedding. ate and danced. said goodbye and got back on a plane.
the future roommates :)
i shot the gun 50 times and i only hit him right in the center 1 time. embarrassing.
robin, kinsley, amy and me at kimmys wedding. we clean up pretty nicely, if i do say so myself.