Wednesday, June 07, 2006

im it

o i think i got tagged a while back (or i just read about other people getting tagged and now i am crashing the game) but here are some random facts, not in great detail, but important nonetheless...

1. when i get in bed at night, i start out laying on my left side. then when i flip over to my right side, i know sleep is in the near future...

2. i really hate using body wash. i only feel clean if i use actual soap. im pretty sure most body washes say nothing about killing germs, so i just feel more safe using soap.

3. ummm im bad at the game of tag... im more of a hide-and-seek girl (which explains why most of my random facts are lame).

4. i dont like cats. i really dont like their hair that gets all over, or their creepy eyes or the way they smell. i usually just appease people because telling someone you dont like their cat is like telling them you think they have an ugly child. just know that i will never own a cat.

5. i hate using a nail file. i get the chills when i use one, and i dont like the white dust from my nails. therefore, i just would rather have uneven, unattractive nails.

6. i think tomatoes are disgusting, but i will eat ketchup, salsa, spaghetti sauce etc. i just think that regular plain tomatoes (texture, taste and smell) are repulsive. but i do like a nice banana :)


allegri said...

I am totally the same way with the tomatoes!! Ick, texture is the main necessity in food to make it be counted as good...

Christie Nicole said...

i dont get it

Ryan said...

your a crazy person you know that! however, cats are repulsive! but AS ARE BANANAS!!!!! hey its good to have you posting on your blog again. welcome home ;)

Kimber said...

I am with Ryan on the banana deal, but for different reasons.
I used to eat them, until I learned they are a major cause of migraines. Now I hate them with a passion.

Claire said...

I never knew Julie.... I never knew. But alright, fine. You hate cats. That's fine. I'll just.... well... probably never speak to you again, but that's fine. Just know that i'll probably always own a cat...mwahha!

Christie Nicole said...

you're fired fool! you need to update...

Ryan said...

hey jules, you've been it for like... 5 weeks now. its time to be something else now ;) a new post..? for those of us who read...? thanks, your a champ!
ps. i heard you are singing at my church on sunday!!! thats so cool, im sorry i won't be there.