Wednesday, September 13, 2006


if you didnt know, i am a FOCUS Leader. technically, it is a job, as i do get paid, but i am pretty sure i only get about ten cents an hour if you even everything out. In general, the Focus Leaders help run the student orientation for freshman and transfers (which happens a week before school starts) and we teach an orientation class once a week. Every leader has a partner, and the partners are in charge of a group of freshman. I am focus group V and my partner is Daniel.
Being a good focus leader has more stipulations that one might assume...
1. Be cheerful, especially when you are moving people into the 3rd floor of the dorms in 107 degree weather, when you are with them all day long for a week straight, or any other time you see them on campus.
2. Be willing to start or invade conversations.
3. Bake or buy treats so that your class will pay attention to you.
4. Remember the names of all your focus students, their friends, roommates, crushes, boyfriends/ girlfriends, and ex-boyfriends/ girlfriends.
5. Visit your students in their rooms, eat lunch with them or invite them to your apt. so that you can get to know them better and hear all of the stories about their friends, roommates, crushes, boyfriends/ girlfriends, and ex-boyfriends/ girlfriends.
6. Plan fun events that will entice every person in your group (note: events that are expensive or slightly dangerous seem to be most commonly suggested by the average student).

Being sarcastic does not always make you the best focus leader, but it is definately necessary sometimes during this process. Focus really has been such a great experience, though. I have been able to meet tons of new people and the position is a great ministry opportunity. However, the position is extremely time consuming, so please make me keep in touch with at least the blogging world during this semester. accountability is key.


KS said...

Hey next year you could always come to the lighter side and be an RA?

melissa o said...

Oh my GOSH Julia - I have MISSED YOU!

Claire said...

Yay! I'm still waiting for my call back... heh... I totally understand, you're busy! When you get a chance (if!) call me this weekend- I'm working Friday night and some sat and sun, but try me and hopefully we can catch eachother and revel in free minutes! LOVE to you!