Saturday, November 25, 2006

half dome and hockey

As most of you know, i didnt go home for thanksgiving this year.
Instead im in Visalia, CA with some friends from school. Courtney lives here, so four of us came to spend the break with her. Thanksgiving was wonderful since i got to sleep in, go for a run in weather that was not 90 degrees (which is what is has been in Riverside for the last week), eat lots of good food, watch some football, and go see a movie.
But the best part was going to Yosemite on Friday. Barrett, Garrett, Brady, Courtney and I drove up there yesterday morning. None of us had ever been there, so we were all pretty excited. Its only two hours away, and the second hour was spent traveling through the mountains, so i was thrilled with the ride. The weather was chilly, but we got to walk around and see some huge trees, huge waterfalls, and huge rock formations. The scenery was breathtaking! i could go into detail, but ill just show you some of the pics...

me and courtney hugging a giant tree

this is what we saw as soon as we got out of a tunnel... El Capitan is on the left and Half Dome is in the distance...

after our day at Yosemite, we went to see the Fresno Falcons play hockey. It was also my first time going to a hockey game. Someone proposed to his girlfriend, two players got in a fist fight, and most importantly, the chicken was there! If you didnt know, the chicken was the mascott for San Diego, but he was so good that he started traveling. Anyway, we had a great time cheering with our jerseys on and with our obnoxious noise makers. Overall, it has been a very relaxing trip. Tomorrow we will drive back to the side by the river and prepare for our last three weeks...
ps, going to the mountains made me even more excited to come back to utah!

me and court at the game


Ashley said...

Aren't the trees just crazy huge? I remember being so amazed when I saw them.

Anonymous said...

i'm excited for you to come home too! how much school do you have left?

Kimber said...

Cool!!! that tree reminds me so much of home, seeing giant Red Sequoia's everywhere.

Anonymous said...

I want to be the tree getting a hug from my Julio!!!!

Claire said...

YAY! I thought about you so many times over the break, and bum that I am did not call or text once.... but I DID think about and pray for you! I'm so glad that you had a great time- I cannot WAIT to see you in a few weeks!