but during my time at home, ive had those occasional moments where i forget to focus on the christmas lights and familiar faces, and instead, am taken off guard by mr. irony.
for example, i dont like that it does not snow in Riverside. however, the grass is not greener in Utah, instead it is whitish brown, as we have yet to wake up to blankets of snow covering our world. its too cold for all of the snow to melt completely away, too cold to snow more, and too cold for me to jog outside and not have a cough for the remainder of the day when finished.
also, i hate getting up early and and going to work, especially when its cold and i am in Utah. i would rather put on sweats and drink tea or something. but i currently do not have a steady job, so instead i am doing little more than reading and cooking and eating. what a life huh? but no, i have never wanted to work more than right now.
and i really had to laugh today when my mom threatened to hide my books if i did not get off the couch. most parents would love for their kids to read instead of watch t.v. or sleep the day away. who threatens to make their child stop reading, i asked?
well, other than those momentary lapses, where i forget how lucky i am no matter if i am in Riverside with a job or in Utah with a book, i have really enjoyed the rest and time to enjoy the Christmas spirit.
and at the request of my dear friend, amy, i will leave you with a picture. would you believe our luck that THE Cinderella was in California Adventure Land last thursday evening and there was hardly even a line to take a picture with her?

1 comment:
yay for leisure reading! double yay for cinderella photos! oh, and merry christmas!
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