im going to just give the readers digest version of the last three weeks, though, one week at a time.
For Spring break, Amy, Lauren and I decided to road trip up to Nor Cal for the week. They are amazing girls, so we had a great time listening to music, talking, and laughing. One thing that I really appreciate about both of them is that they are pretty low maintenance and brilliant. perfect for a road trip, if you ask me. not only was i always challenged and entertained by my interaction with them (both through conversation and observation), but i love that we could just relax, sleep on the floor, not get ready for the day, or just not talk and be completely content. we stayed at Erica's house in Walnut Creek for the first two nights and in Pacifica with Tim for the last two nights. Both towns are beautiful and reflect many of the positive aspects of Northern California, which should just be a seperate state all together.
a pic of the girls on the first night that we got to Walnut Creek. We sat at the Bucks for a while to journal and do homework. Good way to end the day of driving.
we relaxed in Walnut Creek on Tuesday and Wednesday we drove to Pacifica to meet up with the boys. We proceeded to take BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit), also known as "the" BART by southern californians, who put the article "the" in front of everything. thanks to our tour guide, tim, who is also in extremely good shape, we walked thousands of blocks through San Fran to get to the GGP (Golden Gate Park). It was worth the walk... this flower conservatory place was beautiful!
after a little time at the GGP, we went to Fishermans Warf for lunch, Ghirardelli Square for ice cream, then the wrong bus, then the right bus to Union Square for shopping. All in all, we ate, shopped, and walked a ton, but it was beautiful weather, and I was with a bunch of friends. it was a great way to experience San Fran for the first time...
Thursday, we had a lazy day in Pacifica. Amy and I went running on the beach, in shorts and tee shirts no less! tim lives less than a mile from the beach, so everyone met us there and we all walked around and enjoyed the sun for a bit. That night, we played a pick up game of basketball after dinner, and you could see the sun setting over the ocean from tims backyard. AMAZING!
Friday, we drove back home, and im pretty sure we didnt talk for the first three hours of the ride because we were just enjoying the sensational scenery. Northern California is SO green, and much less crowded in comparison to So Cal. on the drive we made a couple of stops in Central California. we took a break near Viselia for a little shopping at the outlets with my roommate Courtney. we then drove to Bakersfield, Amy's home town, and went out to Dowrs for ice cream sundays. yes, that is marshmellow cream drizzled over the top of the glass!
once we got back to school, we just hung out for two more days, and i did lots of homework in preparation to leave for "the" NYC.
more to come...
I've been waiting for an update..I better make it into the blog.
I love you Jules.
great update.
however, you spell dewar's <--- that way.
i love this! what a great week... i'm so happy you're in my life ; )
Oh my goodness Julies - you are so beautiful!!!
Fascinating! Nice pictures, especially the one of Amy and the ice cream.
hey jules, can you get me your address.. either email it to me or call me 828.273.0471
i'm tired of studying for finals and you offer no distractions ;)
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