Wednesday, March 28, 2007

quote of the day

quick, quick, pictureless update:

i am officially a mouth breather. i cant inhale through either nostril at the moment due to a cold. today i got out of breath trying to eat lunch.

i went to San Fransisco last week and it was sooo much fun. ill post pictures soon.

im leaving for New York tomorrow night. im soooo excited!

i watched the Holiday today with my roommates. it was raining outside and it was romantic. and i love my roommates.

speaking of roommates, my immediate roommate, courtney, is amazing. she is really dynamic and we have such a great time together. we have roommate dress up days, roommate ditch days, we leave notes on the mirror for each other and we always have a quote of the day that we right on the top left of the mirror. Well courney was on a roll today... i told her that her quotes were so good that I would blog at least one of them. this wont make sense to any of you. and im sorry, but im doing it for her.

"i always leave my shoes on"


jeremy phillips said...

you're a mouth breather!

i blogged.
the pictures might look familiar.

Ryan said...

YOUR ALIVE!!! was just checking my blog, and i saw your name in my friends list, and i said - out loud - "i think my friend julie is dead. she hasn't posted since the middle of february" then i clicked on your link just to make sure... AND HERE YOU ARE!!! STILL ALIVE!!! i'm so happy! :)