Wednesday, March 28, 2007

quote of the day

quick, quick, pictureless update:

i am officially a mouth breather. i cant inhale through either nostril at the moment due to a cold. today i got out of breath trying to eat lunch.

i went to San Fransisco last week and it was sooo much fun. ill post pictures soon.

im leaving for New York tomorrow night. im soooo excited!

i watched the Holiday today with my roommates. it was raining outside and it was romantic. and i love my roommates.

speaking of roommates, my immediate roommate, courtney, is amazing. she is really dynamic and we have such a great time together. we have roommate dress up days, roommate ditch days, we leave notes on the mirror for each other and we always have a quote of the day that we right on the top left of the mirror. Well courney was on a roll today... i told her that her quotes were so good that I would blog at least one of them. this wont make sense to any of you. and im sorry, but im doing it for her.

"i always leave my shoes on"