Friday, December 26, 2008

24 hour flu

i stayed on the couch the entire day yesterday. my mom made all of my favorite foods, since she spoils me when i come home, and not only did I not eat them, I did not even enjoy the smell. i did not even go to the airport to pick up my roommate, lauren, who flew in despite the blizzard warnings.
i felt better this morning, so i tried to do my long run with caitlin at the gym. quite a miserable experience. i had to bike for basically half of it because i did not have the energy to be completely upright, and my stomach did not have the tolerance for bouncing.
tonight, though, we are going to curl up on the couch and watch elf. im very excited about that.

Friday, December 19, 2008

God is So cool

yesterday morning I was running, and I wished I was carrying a camera. I was going through the orange groves, and the trees were covered with oranges. the street was lined with palm trees on both sides, and in the distance, I could see the snow capped mountains/ hills. I kept thinking how creative and awesome our Creator is. It was such an enjoyable view.
Granted, it would have been significantly more enjoyable had i not been running 14 miles :)
Yes, marathon training, blah, blah, blah. only 6 more weeks though.
P.S. its the Huntington Beach Marathon. Feb 1.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Utah prep

im not really preparing for finals like I should be because I want to be finished studying and doing homework. Luckily, I only have two left. I am getting ready for Utah, though, because it is really cold here in Riverside (i know, finally). Unfortunately, our heater is broken. Good timing. Today Lauren and I turned on the oven and stood next to it for warmth while chatting about our day. We then cleaned the apt, which was much needed, and now I am blogging. I wish I blogged enough that I did not have to summary update blogs and could just write about random, funny, daily happenings instead.
Ill just list some of those things from my semester:
- i was getting onto the 91 when going to church earlier this semester, and someone was in my blindspot, so i almost cut him off when i merged. he was more than furious, and he stayed next to me, staring me down and throwing up his hands in frustration. I felt horrible, of course, and kept trying to apologize with hand motions and my "im sorry" face. But a couple exits later I was getting mad and started giving him the "leave me alone, you jerk" face. He then proceeded to pull out a gun and hold it up to his window. yes, a gun. crazy man. ugh. I was so annoyed and afraid that I exited the freeway. I did not call the cops, though, which you are apparently supposed to do since that is a felony.
- i got nominated for Homecoming Queen and Ms. CBU, but did not win either time :)
- my flag football team did not make it to the championships, which was the first time that has happened in years.
- I am going to a yoga class. yoga is so hard. but im the only girl in it... and no, thats not why im going
- I am also training for a marathon. training for a marathon is so hard. but i like the mental game and the physical challenge of it all. ill probably never do it again though.