Saturday, September 03, 2005

its not sooo bad

move in was hectic and the roomate thing worried me a bit so lets just not talk about that right now.
the first real day here was werid and i didnt feel like vacation or home or anything, i cant really describe it. i did feel lonely at times. many many people here are from Cali so they have that in common or they know their best friend or they got the perfect best friend type of roommate. i am from Utah, no i am not Mormon, i only really know one person and my roommate is really cool but we definately have some differences. mostly i felt kind of out of place, and if i really though about it, the lonliness hit.
however, i had some good and much needed God time and talked to a few friends and things went uphill from there.
i have tried to be outgoing and just talk to whomever (hint, dont wear your nametag cause then people dont know your name or where you are from... good conversation starters).
The girls on my hall are all completely different but we had tons of fun today and tonight everyone played a game called BUNKO which requires no skill but enables you to meet zillions of people. sadly i lost more than anyone in the enitre room :)
also i have found friends with cars which is always a plus and a few of the people who know thomas have been really welcoming. his girlfriend and focus partner (who lots of people have asked if i am related to) are especially fun people. going on a date with one of them tomorrow to target. should be a good, knee-slapping time.
but now i am going to bed cause we are doing a service project tomorrow.
o, and though you cant see the stars here at night, the palm trees look beautiful through the smog :)

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