Friday, April 07, 2006


that is all i want to do right now. absolutely nothing.
that is not exactly going to happen, but for good reason. soon ill be on my way to the fabulous Disneyland with some of the girls, and afterwards we are going to spend the weekend in Huntington Beach at Kinsley's dads house. this should sound pretty amazing, and it is, but it will be even more amazing because of how unamazing the week has been.
okay, it wasnt quite that horrible, but it was pretty crazy. i had ISP stuff, Focus, stressful housing decisions, presentations, papers, tests, and not nearly enough sleep. normally, i work pretty okay without much sleep, but i didnt exercise everyday, and i had alot on my mind, so i had a really rough time not wanting to crawl in a hole when i watched 3 o'clock roll around every morning.
but last night i was able to go to an intermural basketball game for a while and hang out with people, and then i was kidnapped and taken to get Boba ( its a drink with these balls of boba in the bottom, very interesting and hard to describe, but very tasty). though i didnt study very much for my last test that i had this morning, it was a nice way to start winding down the week. now its spring break, i know our school is lame and its ridiculously late, but ill take what i can get. and right now i get to go see mickey, and tomorrow i plan on spending much of the day on the beach or on a couch watching a movie... im not going to be too picky.
hopefully your fridays are going beautifully as well... Spring Break here i come.


Anonymous said...

And you went to Boba last night, Disneyland tonight and the beach tomorrow with me! Yay! Umm...Ish love you Jules...yay for Spring Break!!! :-)
<3, Robin

allegri said...

You guys are just getting spring break now?? Hope you have a great break from all of the stresses of class...

butimamonster said...

aaahhhh i miss you already!

Anonymous said...

You need to blog this fun weekend now...I'm waiting....
<3, You-know-who