Sunday, December 14, 2008

Utah prep

im not really preparing for finals like I should be because I want to be finished studying and doing homework. Luckily, I only have two left. I am getting ready for Utah, though, because it is really cold here in Riverside (i know, finally). Unfortunately, our heater is broken. Good timing. Today Lauren and I turned on the oven and stood next to it for warmth while chatting about our day. We then cleaned the apt, which was much needed, and now I am blogging. I wish I blogged enough that I did not have to summary update blogs and could just write about random, funny, daily happenings instead.
Ill just list some of those things from my semester:
- i was getting onto the 91 when going to church earlier this semester, and someone was in my blindspot, so i almost cut him off when i merged. he was more than furious, and he stayed next to me, staring me down and throwing up his hands in frustration. I felt horrible, of course, and kept trying to apologize with hand motions and my "im sorry" face. But a couple exits later I was getting mad and started giving him the "leave me alone, you jerk" face. He then proceeded to pull out a gun and hold it up to his window. yes, a gun. crazy man. ugh. I was so annoyed and afraid that I exited the freeway. I did not call the cops, though, which you are apparently supposed to do since that is a felony.
- i got nominated for Homecoming Queen and Ms. CBU, but did not win either time :)
- my flag football team did not make it to the championships, which was the first time that has happened in years.
- I am going to a yoga class. yoga is so hard. but im the only girl in it... and no, thats not why im going
- I am also training for a marathon. training for a marathon is so hard. but i like the mental game and the physical challenge of it all. ill probably never do it again though.


Whitney said...

OH MY GOSH!!! I can't believe someone pulled a gun on you!

Anonymous said...

Dear Julie, I like when you blog and how did I miss the gun story!?!

Ryan said...

good to know you are still alive and well.

Claire said...

Wow! Exciting stuff- not all good-- the whole gun thing is a total bummer but I'm glad you just got out of there. Yoga IS hard... staci and I did it in college and we LOVED it, but it was SO challenging! I haven't found it around here yet.

Woo marathon! You should run the OM-- is that the one you're going to do?
Can't wait to see you soon!