Tuesday, November 01, 2005

fishy fishy

erika, shannon, me, aimee, krista and nicole-- we are poor, irresponsible, and easily entertainable students.
it was 11:30 at night, and were we in our rooms finishing our tests, writing our papers and reading our books? nope. we were not. instead we were in the lobby playing with our new fishies. we had two beta fish and quite a few little gold fish.
aimee was extremely attachted to the gold fish after about 4 minutes and nicole was ridiculously protective of her beta fish.

well we spent a good amount of time trying to get the beta fish to eat... but we didnt have any bits of fish food if you know what i mean.

it all turned out fine in the end. unexpectedly, the fish became friends and no harm was done (yet, heh heh) and we all finished our homework and made it to class or work this morning. granted i got about 4 hours of sleep, but i cant blame the fish for everything.

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