Wednesday, March 29, 2006

puddle jumpers

last night it rained. not the normal rain where it sprinkles for about 20 minutes, and the pavement is wet for only about an hour afterward. i mean, "its coming down out there," we could hear it on the windows, rain.
Kinsley loves the rain, and she always talks about playing in it... but this winter it has been all talk and no rain. i had homework as usual, and i was diligently doing it in tot's room last night (eh semi diligently-- we had some visitors) but kinsley came running over and just asked if i was ready. so i hopped off the bed and changed into sweats, no questions asked.
o we puddle jumped i tell you. it got in my mouth. yeah that was a bit gross, but so fun. we laid on the pavement, closed our eyes and got officially soaked for about 10 mintues before we went back to our rooms and kept on with the work. it was a nice little break though.


Ryan said...

dang! that sounds like a riot. this one time, i was on a youth retreat and we were playing football in the rain. (3 inches standing water in the grass!) we decided to go in when Jessicas hair started to stand on end... needles to say the lightening came soon after.

Claire said...

Sounds like so much fun! Glad you got some weather like the rest of the world! (I can't lie, it was sunny and 60 here today, really no complaints...)

Meredith said...

sounds like what I used to do when I was kid. it's suposed to rain this afternoon so maybe I'll try a little "puddle jumping"!!!