i am not sure how many hours of sleep i got, because i looked at the clock at 3, the lights were still on and so was my computer. i woke up to kinsley turning off the lamp at 6:30 am, and me rolling over on the couch wanting so badly to sleep for 5 more hours.
blessing: she and i went to breakfast, and i like her
i sat in the doctors office for 2 freakin hours waiting to get polio. 2 hours for them to throw off my breathing, stick a needle in my arm and decorate it with a hello kitty band-aid! it didnt even take 2 hours for my body to start to ache (which it still is achy in case you were wondering).
blessing: the very gracious and patient hilary went with me, and we bonded over our love for Alias, sarcasm and laughter.
tonight was my last Rwanda meeting, and i am so not ready...
blessing: tonight was my last Rwanda meeting
i have alot of homework that i need to be working on so that i dont have suicidal thoughts next week.
blessing: its not next week yet.
Claire had a post about this dance that she recommends... im not going to dance because my body hurts, but i have these pictures.

last weekend, after our mens volleyball team won nationals, we all went to apt 9 and had dessert. one thing lead to another, and before the end of the night, Jared was chasing me with a handful of chocolate cake. its all over my face (and kinsleys). one of those, wow im a dork and i need to not take myself and my schedule so seriously kind of reminders.
Hey there lovely! Nice cake face! I'm praying for you re: Rwanda and school! Happy Thursday! YOU CAN DO IT!
Blessing: I love you Jules!!!
p.s. I went to turn the lamp off over you that night at 2:30a.m. when I went to bed, and you said no, you were just taking a nap. haha....silly girl.
Indeed nice cake face... reminds me of PBC summers....
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