Saturday, October 07, 2006


this week was crazy busy and i didnt get much sleep. two out of five nights were actually spent on the couch because i fell asleep studying. that means that two of those nights, i didnt brush my teeth or wear my retainer.
but last night, i opted to not go to Disneyland or the beach, and instead, i went out for thai food with a friend and was in bed, retainer in place, by 11:45. it was beautiful.
i woke up this morning, well rested, and i went for a run before it got hot. then a friend and i drove to the beach, where we napped on the sand, and then we came home. and that is all i have done with my weekend. no laundry, no homework, just rest. its been lovely.


Claire said...


melissa o said...

I second Claire - GOOOOOOOOD

Sarah said...

sounds great!