Friday, October 06, 2006

you should know...

you should know that i tried to blog last sunday, and i was so proud of it... but then the internet failed so i lost it all.
the internet has been quite disappointing as of late. everytime i want to do anything on the internet, something happens. supposedly it will get "worked out" but i dont see anyone working. weve written our names on lists and talked to people about working on our apt, and still, nothing! so im sneeking blog time in at work.

but today is similar to sunday in that it is quite cool outside. to a utahn, its perfect, and to a southern californian, its a bit chilly. but i love it. and i love that i heard the bagpipe boy playing today while i ate lunch. i heard him on sunday too, and he was out on the front lawn (which is my backyard) with his red hair and kilt. today he didnt sport the kilt, but he was just walking around playing. our lunch table got in a long conversation about how it is such an interesting instrument, how none of us are educated enough about the bagpipe and its sound to ever know if the kid is really all that good, and how he sometimes plays late at night with his trench coat on, making the mood really eerie. all in all, though, i like bagepipe boy and his bagpipe.

well i am off work, but i have taken a couple of pictures of the apt so i can give you all a tour when my normal internet works... claire always sparks those good blog topics/ ideas, so i always copy :)


Sarah said...

you saw a real live bagpiper! amazing! that is so cool!

Mat said...

there used to be this bagpipe boy in the chalet across from mine at wolbi. it was the most annoying thing ever. i think i heard amazing grace like a billion times

Claire said...

Yay! Also... phone date? I'm sorry I cancelled on Thurs... how does tomorrow or Mon work? Mon is my fall break so I am WIDE open. Let me know if anything works! I LOVE YOU!