Thursday, February 23, 2006


everyone has to do it once in a while. i gave in to trendiness.
last week i made the call that most parents probably dread but semi-expect to get when their daughter moves away to college.
"mom, can i get a tatoo?"
okay, i didnt ask that question, but i did ask about a piercing.
i would just like all of you to know, that it was well thought through, as i am still the same old practical, analytical julie. if you are strongly opposed, you can call me and i will give you my list of reasons.
it doesnt show up that noticeably in pictures with this sort of light anyway

--do i like it: yes

--did it hurt: it pinched when the needle went through, but other than that, it was cake

--is it hard to blow my nose now that i am conveniently sick: not a hard as i thought it would be


Anonymous said...

WHAAAAA? You got you nose stuck! Whammy! What about when you get a cold?

melissa o said...


My sweet innocent Julie has gone the way of Mrs. Dirty herself (Christina)?

Woh. Times they are a changing.

(Ok, I'll admit it. It looks cute.)

Kimber said...

Wow Julie, me like, me like!
p.s...did you know the varsity boys from CHS are going to state? woot woot!