Sunday, December 11, 2005

week 2

wow, i cant believe ive only been back for two weekends. both have been wonderful though. last weekend we beat Biola and this weekend was full of Christmas fun.
sorry for the horrible chronology, but back to Friday. We had a fabulous Christmas party at Kinsley's house. lots of people, food, and pictures.
me, chappy and ruth

lame thomas trying to shove a carrot in my mouth/ nose

nice thomas and me smiling for a picture (ps, well be home in 5 days!!!)

of course last night was the concert and then tonight was Yule, which is the Winter banquet. while i did not get asked, i played mom, did lots of hair, and took tons of pictures. one of which is of thomas and his amazing girlfriend shannon. she is such a sweetheart. dont they just look adorable?

even more lame than that sick carrot is the fact that i have exams tomorrow. major party foul!


melissa o said...

Tom looks so HAPPY. Good for Shannon.

PS - come home soon!

Love you!

melissa o said...
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Ashley said...

Tom is such a cutie!